Are Chihuahuas Good Pets?

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As a Chihuahua mom, people ask me all the time, “are chihuahuas good pets?” Of course, I may be a bit bias but I definitely think that Chihuahuas are the best dogs on the planet. Again, I’m partial to the breed.

Are Chihuahuas Good Pets_

In this post, I’ll share my top five reasons why Chihuahuas are good pets based on my experience raising a Chihuahua for the past 11 years.

1.Chihuahuas are Small but Mighty!​

One of the things that I love about Chihuahuas is their small size. Some people prefer big dogs but for me personally, I love small dogs. A perk for me is that Chuy can pretty much go anywhere with us. We have taken Chuy on so many vacations, airplanes, road trips, and fun adventures. I even kayak with my Chihuahua, Chuy! Flying with a Chihuahua or small dog is super convenient because they can ride in the cabin with you.


2. Chihuahuas are Super Loyal​

I always call Chuy my little shadow. He is literally sitting on my lap as I type this post! If I get up to use the bathroom, he follows me. If I move to a different room in the house, he’s right behind me. I make jokes about it all the time but I absolutely love it. If I move by an inch in my bed, Chuy moves so he can literally sleep right up on me. I love spending time with Chuy because I work from home. Chihuahuas are so loyal and loving.

Chuy Chihuahua - Are Chihuahuas Good Pets?

3. Chihuahuas Have a Longer Lifespan That Most Dogs​

The average Chihuahua lifespan is 15 to 20 years. No matter how long your dog lives, it’s never enough time in my opinion. However, Chihuahuas do tend to live longer than most dogs.

4. Chihuahuas are Easy to Care For​

My experience with Chuy is that he’s pretty low maintenance in terms of taking care of him. I think a lot of it has to do with their small size. I can easily bathe Chuy in the bathtub. He is a short hair Chihuahua so he doesn’t require regular grooming appointments. I do take him every 6 – 8 weeks for a nail trim and anal gland expression. Also, in terms of exercise they don’t require as much as a bigger breed. We play a lot inside the house in addition to a few 10 minute walks per day.

5. Chihuahuas are Fun and Playful​

One of the things I just love about Chuy is how fun and playful he is. Even though he is 11 years old now, he’s still full of energy and loves to play and have fun. Chuy doesn’t hide his feelings and his facial expressions are hilarious.


So, if you’ve ever wondered if Chihuahuas are good pets, I hope this convinces you to rescue a Chihuahua for your family. Chihuahuas are portable, fun, low maintenance, loyal, loving, and are easy to care for and easier to love. Make sure you check out our page for raising a Chihuahua for a ton of resources.

The post Are Chihuahuas Good Pets? appeared first on Irresistible Pets.